Hungarian Open 2010
International Tournament
The tournament is part of the WTHT series
Hungarian Table Hockey Federation
László Kiss
Saturday 10 October 2009., 10:00 a.m.
Venue :
Feszty Árpád Ált. Iskola
(Feszty Árpád Primary School)
2900 Komárom, Csillag Ltp. 16.
Free transfer form the train station is possible if the organisers are notified in advance!

Change view
Registration: 9:00 - 9:20
Group draw: 9:45
Tournament start: 10
Please arrive in time, late registration is not accepted!
Finals start around 4 p.m.
Registration fee: 1500 Ft (6€)
Trophies, medals for the best, diplomas
Registration: preliminary registration till 8 October, 2009., 12 p.m. in the Guestbook.
Name, age and contact address are required.
The tournament format is according to the ITHF Tournament Rules.
The Tournament Referees names will be announced according to the registered players.
Participants are provided with free refreshments, sandwiches, confectionery and coffee by the organisers.
Further information:
László Kiss +3620-223-3941 –